
Showing posts from May, 2021

Co-created Knowledge at Ngatimoti School

Power sharing opportunities are provided for learners to learn with and from each other across learning areas. Students particularly enjoy Enviro Time, where learning tasks enable students to bring their own understandings, viewpoints, and questions. Learning is reciprocal: knowledge is co-created. 

Leadership at Upper Moutere School

 At Upper Moutere School, part of creating a family-like context involves providing a range of leadership opportunities across the school. This includes, tuakana-teina time, student-led fitness, senior leadership programme, house leader activities, and many leadership opportunities within all classrooms. This is a valued part of the culture of the school and students actively seek out opportunities to lead. 

Christine Braid Structured Literacy session

  Excellent turn out and mahi today at the Christine Braid Structured Literacy workshop. Thanks to all attendees, TBCS for hosting and Christine for her time and wisdom.