
Arts Extravaganza - 28 October 2021

  On Thursday 28 October, Sarah Trolle (Māpua School kaiako) and Hilary Sinclair (HOD Music and WST at MHS) ran Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning) Art and Music workshops at Māpua School. Teachers from all of our Kāhui Ako kura were invited to attend the voluntary workshops.  We are so lucky to have such talent and expertise to share within our Kāhui Ako. Sarah delivered an art lesson that has recently been requested by the Ministry of Education to be added to their Art Curriculum resource website page!  Here is what Jane, teacher/kaiako from Mahana School had to say after the Art workshop: "Kia Ora Sarah, Ngā mihi nui ki a koe mo tā mahi i tenei ra. Big ups to you for your work today. You are a generous wahine and inspirational too. Thanks, heaps" Anna Brewer had this to say about Hillary’s music workshop. “Hillary shared with us a Ted Talk that explained the importance of the connection between the brain, music and academic success. She also shared with us some awesome p...

Parklands mahi

  Ngā mihi ki a koutou. Here at Parklands we are continuing to use the Observation Tool to identify areas for growth. These observations will also link into teachers Growth Cycle. We have also instigated co-constructive meetings in our syndicates, where we have had some great reflective thinking that is then used by individual teachers to inform their teaching to the North East therefore creating equity for all our students.

Dr Russell Bishop talks 'The End of Failure'

 It's a long video, but well worth it. Get inspired again and remind yourself what the mahi is all about.

Motueka RDA

 We've had some comms with Sharyn from Motueka RDA recently, all around what they can offer the tamariki in our Kāhui Ako. If you want to have a further look into what they do, here are a few recommendations: email Sharyn - Trusting your first few days back have been wonderful. Ngā mihi nui.

Student voice at MSS

  At MSS this term we are narrowing our school focus towards a need that we identified from Impact Coaching. We noticed that our lessons recorded for IC were not as strong in the area of feedforward as in other areas. This was further supported by the responses from the student voice section - we noticed that students struggled to voice their next learning steps. From here a collective goal was reached with the help of Louise from Cognition: We will be taking the following steps to help work towards achieving our goal: PD and resources available around FF and FB (we feel these are key strategies in supporting students to recognise and voice their next learning steps). Collecting student voice from teacher’s lessons (from 3 selected focus students). Sharing the voices with the staff to discuss in teams. Unpack our findings and how these link to AREA. Looking at the WHY of the voice results and the HOW we can help our students. Collaborating strategies to aid our students achieve thi...

North East hui preparations underway

 Kura across our Kāhui Ako are preparing to undertake mahi around the kaupapa of co-construction meetings. The purpose of these hui is to: Maintain a collective focus on student learning and achievement where data is used to reflect on the effectiveness of teaching, to discuss individuals’ rates of progress, and to benchmark and make decisions about the next learning steps. Our 14 schools are now working towards setting up protocols and procedures for these meetings, starting in Week 4. More information and support can be found in this document here Your AST team is willing, able and keen to support your learning in this area. Please do get in touch if this is required in your context.