At Upper Moutere School, part of creating a family-like context involves providing a range of leadership opportunities across the school. This includes, tuakana-teina time, student-led fitness, senior leadership programme, house leader activities, and many leadership opportunities within all classrooms. This is a valued part of the culture of the school and students actively seek out opportunities to lead.
Feedback from the voice collection from students at Mapua School in 2020 was analysed by the staff in Term 4, 2020. It came to light that the main area which will make learning more beneficial for students revolves around relationships. They thought that relationships between students, and relationships between students and teachers was very important. This falls squarely in line with the relationships based learning approach we have been undertaking through our Community of Learning (Kahui Ako) with our associate schools. Last year the staff brainstormed how we could improve relationships through the school and the wider community. This was revisited at our Teacher Only Day and we have made some changes as a result: We have set up buddy classes, so that teachers can buddy up and children from across different levels can meet the younger/older students and share their learning. This will be changed each term, so that a wide variety of levels and students can build positive...
We are looking at creating and supporting a cohesive transition/pathway between our junior and senior syndicates. This is continuing to be developed by using whole school curriculum planning with an overarching concept, for example, the whole school is following an odd and even year long term overview of our mathematics DMIC programme and are involved in developing a school wide spelling programme. We are using a key word or phrase each term that the whole school follows, eg: Term 2 this year is the word 'Stories'. This will encompass Book Week, Myths and Legends, personal stories, community stories, whanau stories and a possible Marae visit for the students. Another example of our continued work for cohesion within the whole of Riwaka School is our WAKA values, which are now embedded within all we do. This sits within our PB4L behaviour plan. As a school staff, we are looking at the shared responsibility for the learning, emotional and social growth of all our students within ...
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