Arts Extravaganza - 28 October 2021


On Thursday 28 October, Sarah Trolle (Māpua School kaiako) and Hilary Sinclair (HOD Music and WST at MHS) ran Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning) Art and Music workshops at Māpua School.

Teachers from all of our Kāhui Ako kura were invited to attend the voluntary workshops. 

We are so lucky to have such talent and expertise to share within our Kāhui Ako. Sarah delivered an art lesson that has recently been requested by the Ministry of Education to be added to their Art Curriculum resource website page! 

Here is what Jane, teacher/kaiako from Mahana School had to say after the Art workshop:

"Kia Ora Sarah, Ngā mihi nui ki a koe mo tā mahi i tenei ra. Big ups to you for your work today. You are a generous wahine and inspirational too. Thanks, heaps"

Anna Brewer had this to say about Hillary’s music workshop.

“Hillary shared with us a Ted Talk that explained the importance of the connection between the brain, music and academic success. She also shared with us some awesome practical easy to access music teaching resources that were much appreciated by all.

Thank you Sarah and Hillary for the additional work you put in to make this happen and for being willing to share your expertise with your colleagues. Much appreciated.


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